Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are the next big technologies to promise huge improvements to the way enterprises function. The hope is that embedding…
Finding a meeting of the minds between Marketing and IT can be challenging. That’s not surprising, since the two groups can be so different in…
In the enterprise Internet of Things (IoT) market, the proof of concept (POC) phase is a double-edged sword. For companies, it’s a boon, allowing them…
When it comes to choosing a storage vendor, IT departments are making one thing clear: price beats brand loyalty any day. In a 451 Alliance…
Join us at the upcoming 451 Alliance webinar, 2019 Trends in Cloud Hosting & Managed Services on Wednesday, March 13, from 11:30am-12:30pm EDT. 451 Alliance members…
A 451 Alliance survey of IT professionals who have direct involvement with Internet of Things (IoT) or operational technology (OT) found some interesting trends in…
In honor of Valentine’s Day, we present this offering based on the deep affection for datacenters we hear about when we talk to IT infrastructure…
‘Don’t put the cart before the horse’ – what does this mean in application development? In this case, the cart is application security, and it’s…
Storage isn’t the most glamorous sector in IT, but it’s still one of the three key pillars of IT infrastructure, along with servers and networks.…
The spam problem keeps growing, and the issues surrounding it affect everyone – IT professionals, email marketers and email recipients alike. At best, spam is…