It’s tough for technology workers, because people aren’t always eager to hear to them talk about their job. Even the most understanding spouses, partners, family and friends can have trouble staying focused on anecdotes invariably sprinkled with tech jargon, cryptic abbreviations like API, SaaS, VPN, DR, RTO, PII, ERP, SQL, or strange phrases like “envy me” and “virtual volumes.”
Do you know who wants to listen to what IT professionals think about technology? In-depth interviewers with the 451 Alliance.
A little about the interview process
Alliance in-depth interviews can take anywhere from 30 to 45 minutes. The interview is less questioning and more of an engaging conversation, as interviewers try to understand the drivers behind changes in technology spending, roadmaps, infrastructure, best execution venues, sustainability and more.
All interviews are completely confidential and anonymous, conducted by telephone, not video. Calls are scheduled at the convenience of the commentator; some find time for an interview during a commute, at the beginning or end of the workday, or during a meal break.
Many commentators welcome the conversation as a way to benchmark their organization against others of comparable size or industry. Others appreciate the insight gained from questions about new technological areas, as part of their personal strategy to keep up with the fast-changing field. For some commentators, the discussion is an opportunity to discuss potential pain points as they relate to management, vendors, or other parts of the organization.
What’s the incentive?
You might be thinking, “What’s in it for the commentators?”. Not money, not gift cards, but something far more valuable — information. Commentators receive weekly emails with recent analyst insight, reports and findings on a variety of IT subjects.
The Alliance, in turn, gets insightful narratives that can help explain data findings. The perspectives of information technology end users can be a powerful tool when analysts are trying to bring numbers to life, or shed light on a technology adoption slide.
What do some of our commentators say about their conversations? Here are some examples:
“I love doing these discussions because I learn so much…. It is really neat, because the questions you ask make me stop and think about, okay, that’s a spot I didn’t even think about.”
“It’s easy to get into a rut because you get focused on your little area, you forget what the rest of the world is doing. So it is good to hear that, though [from sources like 451 Alliance content].”
“[The 451 Alliance interview] always gives me a chance to review and think about our organization and where we sit and… what we’re doing. And are we keeping up with the gen as well. It helps.”
To hear more real-world thoughts on current technology listen to our Next in Tech podcast, ‘Technology In depth’ with host Eric Hanselman and myself, Amy Hedrick.
If you’d like to get involved, sign up to participate in an interview with me or one of our experts. Hope to speak to you soon.