Four resolutions to forget in 2024

Making New Year resolutions for your IT team? Here’s four resolutions to forget about in 2024, based on what our 451 Alliance members have shared about their IT efforts over the years:

  1. Catch up on all outstanding IT projects. It’s not going to happen. In any IT environment, there’s never enough time (or budget or workers or talent) and always something that should be improved, optimized, upgraded, or re-evaluated. And as if that weren’t enough, every day brings the possibility of a new challenge!
  2. Move away from legacy technology. Despite the myriad of technical and financial reasons to move away from legacy technology that’s been entrenched for years, doing so has proved extraordinarily difficult. And considering that the original meaning of the word ‘legacy’ is something left for you to build on, even after you transition away from legacy technology, you’re likely still using elements of whatever was used to solve the problem way back when.
  3. Be 100% sure of security measures. Sadly, being 100% sure that you’re 100% secure probably isn’t realistic because of the human factor. First, users of your IT systems are only human, however much you train them to spot phishy emails. Second, malevolent humans around the world are working full-time to create new hacking and cyberattack techniques. Do what you can, do your best, but accept that there are limits.
  4. Convince users to delete unneeded files. Despite all the good reasons to get rid of unnecessary information – like lower storage costs, less discovery risk in litigation – nobody wants to do it. Most users are afraid to delete that certain “I might need that someday” file. Plans for data management and cost savings are tough to argue with, but human nature has proved even more resistant to deleting files.

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